teeth whitening

What causes your teeth to stain teeth and how can you fix it ?
There are lots of reasons why your teeth stain or discolour and not all of them are due to bad habits like excessive coffee, soft drinks or tobacco. Of course, they don’t help and if you want to retain healthy looking teeth and gums, you are probably best to either abstain or at least reduce...
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The Safe Way to Whiten Your Teeth
Everybody notices white teeth. It’s a great way to freshen your appearance and it even takes years off you your appearance and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to look younger. With white teeth you’re more inclined to smile and a happy face makes for a younger face. With the advent of hydrogen peroxide formulas,...
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Have a Bright and Healthy Smile This Summer
In summer we just want to smile more. The weather, the parties and the festivities and time spent with family and friends are all reasons to feel happy. It’s also a time when cameras are constantly at the ready so there’s a very good chance that you’ll have to front up with a big smile...
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What You Should Know Before Undergoing Teeth Whitening Treatment
Thanks to the skill, accessibility and techniques of modern dentistry and of course the advent of fluoride in our water, having your own healthy teeth is something that more people can look forward well into their old age. It goes without saying that the usual conditions apply; regular check ups; cleaning; flossing; and healthy foods...
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We are now Cosmic Smile Laser Dental!
Exciting times here at work! We have just re-branded and added Laser to our name to become Cosmic Smile Laser Dental. Why you ask? Well, all because of the new dental laser that lets us do more treatments with better results, faster and more comfortably. That’s a Win-Win. The new laser is the Lightwalker AT...
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