
Start Your New Year With a Smile Makeover
Resolving to smile more often is a great way to start the new year. Of course resolving to smile really depends on having the confidence to do so. Modern dentistry has developed some great pain free and convenient technologies that make it easier than ever to have a broad, confident smile. A smile makeover in...
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ClearCorrect vs. Invisalign: How to Choose Between the Two
Metal braces, and the discomfort and inconvenience that with them, are very much a thing of the past. Today there are numerous options to straighten your teeth. None of them require your orthodontist to reach into your mouth with a pair of pliers for their regular tightening or the smoothing of a piece of metal...
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Some Tips and tricks for Invisalign Users
Cosmic Smile in Neutral Bay are specialists in Invisalign orthodontic therapy. Invisalign orthodontic therapy uses invisible plastic aligners to straighten and improve the appearance of your teeth. You can enjoy all the benefits of braces without having to sacrifice your smile and you can eat whatever you like subject to the normal recommendations applicable to...
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What is it you really want?
So many times we hear patients say that they only go to the dentist when they are in pain. And when the patient has a really sore tooth, all we can do is relieve their pain. We call this Emergency Dentistry. But is this really what the patient wants? (more…)
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How do you use the Invisalign / Tru-line aligners?
We have been using Invisalign and Tru-line to straighten patients teeth for several years. Both Invisalign and Tru-line aligners are very effective methods of orthodontically moving teeth without the needs for conventional metal braces and wires. They both have their limitations and are not suitable in all cases. However for the right cases, these systems...
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