As Seen on 7 News Today Tonight and 9 News


Teaching masters – PG28
Travelling around the world (but can’t go to Singapore)


“In May 2016 I was invited to speak at the International Laser and Health Academy Symposium in Slovenia. It was very well received and I was the only speaker of the over 100 lectures that was asked to repeat my presentation to a closed group of advanced users, experts, teachers, company president & Fotona ownership partners.”

“I was given an Honorarium to start a Masters in Laser Dentistry. I’ve also been made the principal Australian trainer for the Fotona laser and will be lecturing and running workshops across Australia. Most recently I have been asked to lecture and present workshops in New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan and in the Middle East. It’s been fun so far but it looks like it is only just the beginning of an exciting ride!”

Masters degree in laser dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma in 2019.

Got questions? Ask Dr. Pang