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Dentist, Equipment, Information, Laser dentistry

Cosmic Sleep Clinic – website now live

31 October 2015

Our new website is specifically designed to help snorers and sufferers of obstructive sleep apnoea. It has information about the NightLase laser anti-snoring treatment that can reduce snoring by up to 50% after one treatment. The website has comparisons between the most common sleep apnoea treatments, how it works, case studies, FAQ and testimonials. To...

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sugars like love
Dentist, Information

Dr Pang invited to speak at local public school

25 October 2015

At the start of term Dr Pang spoke at Balgowlah North Public School about dental health and the impact that hidden sugars have on the growing bodies of our children. He spoke to about 180 children from Years 3 & 4. The children were quite engaged as he discussed the answers to a quiz that he...

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Dentist, Information

Tips for making Halloween less scary to your child’s teeth

24 October 2015

Each year American’s spend over US$2 billion on confectionary. Trick or treaters will on average consume 144 teaspoons of sugar. Luckily the number is dramatically less in Australia but retailers still see a jump of some 30% in sales of confectionary. With so much information recently on the effects of sugar on our bodies and obesity at...

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DrPang NightLase
Dentist, Equipment, Information, Laser dentistry

NightLase Laser Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Treatment

14 October 2015

Oct 14, 2015 It’s been a month since we started the laser snoring treatments and we’ve seen over 90% of patients significantly reduce or stop snoring. That equates to many more hours of quality sleep each week for each patient. Cosmic Smile Laser Dental is still the only dental surgery in NSW to perform the laser snoring...

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cosmetic dentistry, Dentist, implant dentistry, Information, Laser dentistry, teeth whitening

We are now Cosmic Smile Laser Dental!

16 September 2015

Exciting times here at work! We have just re-branded and added Laser to our name to become Cosmic Smile Laser Dental. Why you ask? Well, all because of the new dental laser that lets us do more treatments with better results, faster and more comfortably. That’s a Win-Win. The new laser is the Lightwalker AT...

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