Professional Teeth Whitening vs Over-The-Counter Teeth Whitening
A great smile can be of enormous value to you both commercially and personally. A great smile will not only enhance your appearance but it will give you greater confidence. Teeth whitening has become big business. As consumers, you are looking for quick and convenient ways to whiten your teeth. You hope that chronic problems...
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What Foods to Avoid With Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the surface of your teeth. Porcelain veneers in Sydney are so popular because they are a painless and efficient way to hide stained, crooked or damaged teeth. They are not only durable, but they can be made to blend in seamlessly with the rest of...
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Start Your New Year With a Smile Makeover
Resolving to smile more often is a great way to start the new year. Of course resolving to smile really depends on having the confidence to do so. Modern dentistry has developed some great pain free and convenient technologies that make it easier than ever to have a broad, confident smile. A smile makeover in...
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ClearCorrect vs. Invisalign: How to Choose Between the Two
Metal braces, and the discomfort and inconvenience that with them, are very much a thing of the past. Today there are numerous options to straighten your teeth. None of them require your orthodontist to reach into your mouth with a pair of pliers for their regular tightening or the smoothing of a piece of metal...
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What causes your teeth to stain teeth and how can you fix it ?
There are lots of reasons why your teeth stain or discolour and not all of them are due to bad habits like excessive coffee, soft drinks or tobacco. Of course, they don’t help and if you want to retain healthy looking teeth and gums, you are probably best to either abstain or at least reduce...
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