New Water Ozonation system installed
We’ve just upgraded our water ozonation system to provide continuous ozonated water on demand! Previously our ozone device generated ozone gas to provide ozonated water at low concentration. Unfortunately it involved bubbling ozone gas into a bottle which was inconvenient and time consuming. The new electrolytic device is a point of use unit that provides...
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Dr. Jason Pang meets Snap-On Smile inventor
This week I was fortunate enough to meet with Marc Leichtung the inventor of the Snap-On Smile. He was giving a lecture for advanced Snap On Smile providers and I was invited along. He is wholly committed to making the product as successful as it can possibly be and was giving us insights into the...
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Cancer Treatment and the Mouth
Having recently had three people, a colleague, a friend and a patient each go through the woes of chemotherapy / radiotherapy, it is important to realise that not only can dental health can affect cancer treatment but cancer treatment affects oral health as well. (more…)
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Aussie children’s teeth are getting worse
Researchers from Adelaide University say that Australian children have terrible teeth and their oral health is getting worse, despite billions of dollars being spent on fixing the problem. (more…)
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What is it you really want?
So many times we hear patients say that they only go to the dentist when they are in pain. And when the patient has a really sore tooth, all we can do is relieve their pain. We call this Emergency Dentistry. But is this really what the patient wants? (more…)
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