Each year American’s spend over US$2 billion on confectionary. Trick or treaters will on average consume 144 teaspoons of sugar. Luckily the number is dramatically less in Australia but retailers still see a jump of some 30% in sales of confectionary. With so much information recently on the effects of sugar on our bodies and obesity at an all-time high I hope that parents and their kids would moderate their intake. Products like the Ozospa Alkaline rinse and Vita-Mints are designed to neutralise the acids that are in sour lollies and the sticky candies that stay on children’s teeth.
- 1. Sugar free gum contains xylitol to combat tooth decay
- 2. Eat the candy in one sitting rather than spread out
- 3. Teach the kids to eat in moderation
- 4. You dispense the candy to the kids
- 5. Remind them to rinse with water after snacking
- 6. Take time to make sure they brush well