You’ve probably noticed on TV, in advertisements, and all over the internet that there are seemingly endless options for teeth whitening. But what is teeth whitening exactly? How can you get the results you want without spending a fortune or risking your health? If you desire whiter teeth but don’t know what to expect from professional teeth whitening, read this article.
What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?
Zoom is a teeth whitening procedure performed in your dentist’s office. Using a special gel, the dentist will apply a protective layer over your gums and lips, then shine a bright zoom light on your teeth. Because of the gel, this process is completely non-invasive and painless! In fact, you can get Zoom done in less than an hour, and you’ll be able to eat, drink, and speak like normal within a few hours of leaving your dentist’s office.
Zoom teeth whitening treatment
Zoom teeth whitening is a procedure that you undergo at a dental office. During the treatment, your dentist will apply a special solution to your teeth for about an hour. This treatment causes chemical changes in the enamel of your teeth. In most cases, this process can whiten teeth by up to eight shades throughout one treatment. At the dentist’s office, each patient is given a teeth-whitening chart so that they may choose the shade they desire. The majority of patients opt for B1 since it is the whitest possible tone.
The cost of this treatment can vary between dentists. It also depends on the number of treatments you require. You will need to pay for your initial Zoom teeth whitening treatment costs, then for additional sessions if needed.
How to prepare for your treatment
Before your Zoom treatment, you should always follow the recommendations of your dentist. Most dentists recommend teeth cleaning before the procedure to eliminate any surface stains or plaque on your teeth. Your dentist will examine your teeth to ensure that you are qualified for the process, so it’s always good to follow their advice carefully.
After the appointment
Your dentist will advise you not to drink particular beverages or foods right after your treatment. You will get a detailed list of items to avoid eating, as well as specialized toothpaste. Soda, sweets, chocolates, coffee, and smoking all stain the teeth. Your dentist will instruct you to steer clear of these things straight after surgery and be cautious with them. If you choose to continue consuming these products, you may require additional visits.
Is Zoom whitening for you?
Zoom teeth whitening is not recommended for everyone. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it will most likely be ineffective. Zoom might also produce unwanted results with braces, crowns, bridges, fillings, veneers, or other dental work. In addition to these factors, Zoom cannot whiten natural teeth as quickly as it can whiten crowns and porcelain veneers. If you have infected or weak teeth, they may feel more sensitive after the whitening treatment, resulting in discomfort for a few days. If you fall into one of the above categories (or your dentist tells you that Zoom won’t be effective based on your case), you may need a different treatment.
Cosmetic dentists and general dentists agree: Zoom is the best way to whiten teeth.
If you’re looking for whiter teeth but don’t want to go through invasive procedures, Zoom is one of your best options for professional teeth whitening. Although several at-home systems work as well as Zoom, those systems aren’t nearly as effective and can cost hundreds of dollars.
The Zoom system has virtually no side effects and is one of the most effective teeth whitening procedures available today. If you’re looking for a whiter smile without spending a fortune, call Cosmic Smile to find out if Zoom teeth whitening in Sydney is suitable for you.