implant dentistry

Tips on Taking Care of Your Dental Implants
Technically, dental implants are a form of cosmetic dentistry. If you have broken, chipped, permanently discoloured or loose teeth then dental implants will boost your confidence and have you smiling again in no time. But to say that high quality dental implants are purely cosmetic is incorrect. Dental implants are functional as well as cosmetic....
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We are now Cosmic Smile Laser Dental!
Exciting times here at work! We have just re-branded and added Laser to our name to become Cosmic Smile Laser Dental. Why you ask? Well, all because of the new dental laser that lets us do more treatments with better results, faster and more comfortably. That’s a Win-Win. The new laser is the Lightwalker AT...
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Dr. Jason Pang meets Snap-On Smile inventor
This week I was fortunate enough to meet with Marc Leichtung the inventor of the Snap-On Smile. He was giving a lecture for advanced Snap On Smile providers and I was invited along. He is wholly committed to making the product as successful as it can possibly be and was giving us insights into the...
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What is it you really want?
So many times we hear patients say that they only go to the dentist when they are in pain. And when the patient has a really sore tooth, all we can do is relieve their pain. We call this Emergency Dentistry. But is this really what the patient wants? (more…)
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Dental implants : A Primer for patients
Dental implants are specially engineered pieces of titanium that are placed into the bone of the upper or lower jaw to support an overlying structure. That structure can be a crown, a fixed partial denture or bridge, or a fixed or removable denture. Different sized dental implants are placed in different parts of the mouth...
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