Metal braces, and the discomfort and inconvenience that with them, are very much a thing of the past.
Today there are numerous options to straighten your teeth. None of them require your orthodontist to reach into your mouth with a pair of pliers for their regular tightening or the smoothing of a piece of metal that had caused an ulcer because it had been rubbing against your cheek or gum.
The best and most effective options are Invisalign clear braces or Clear Correct in Sydney. Because both of these options are comfortable and barely noticeable they have become increasingly popular among adults. How much clear aligners cost is insignificant for many adults compared to the benefits. Adults are using invisalign or ClearCorrect because the confidence they gain from a healthy, straight smile is great for business and works wonders in their social life. Many adults claim that Invisalign and ClearCorrect have been one of the most significant transformations in their lives.
When you opt for Invisalign braces you have plastic aligners fitted to your top and bottom teeth. Overtime those aligners are responsible for straightening your teeth. The aligners are worn for 22 hours per day and between five and seven days per week. After that you switch aligners. The treatment’s duration is generally about 12 months. Unlike other braces, Invisalign is removed when you eat and for any liquids other than water.
ClearCorrect is very similar to Invisalign. Both have clear plastic aligners that are worn for a set period, usually about 12 months, for at least 22 hours each day. Like Invisalign, aligners are swapped daily.
So what are the differences
There are a few. Cost is one. Both have a variety of options at different prices. The option you choose will depend on your specific circumstances and your budget. The entry point for ClearCost is much lower than Invisalign but if you are comparing the premium selection of both products then the price differential is minimal. Depending on the extent of your private insurance cover, both could be covered.
Comparing aligners
ClearCorrect aligners are thinner and therefore less visible. You could also conclude that they are not as robust as Invisalign. The thinner the aligner, the more likelihood of them breaking. The materials vary slightly too. Of the two, the thermoplastic material used by Invisalign is more technologically advanced than ClearCost.
Both products are highly effective. Invisalign has been in the market for a good decade longer than ClearCost and as such, has taken on more of a leadership role. But if you are considering cost, and most of us do, then ClearCost provide a highly effective product that is accessible to more people.
If you would like a comprehensive comparison of both products then contact Cosmic Smile can provide an obligation free consultation and advise you on what they consider to be the best outcome for your circumstances and budget. Call Cosmic Smile Laser Dental in Sydney today.