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10 Most Common Dental Crown Problems and Solutions

Inlays and onlays crowns
31 July 2023

Dental crowns are a popular restorative dental treatment that can help preserve and protect damaged teeth. They are custom-made caps placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength while improving its appearance and restoring proper functionality. While dental crowns offer numerous benefits, they may also encounter specific problems. This article will explore the ten most common dental crown problems and their solutions, ensuring you have the information you need for a healthy smile.

  1. Tooth Crown Procedure: Ensuring a Successful Fit

A properly fitting dental crown is crucial for its longevity and functionality. The tooth crown procedure begins with your dentist preparing the tooth and taking precise impressions. Any issues during this stage can lead to discomfort and potential problems later. To avoid complications, ensure your dentist in Sydney has the expertise and experience needed to perform the procedure accurately.

  1. Tooth Decay Under Crown: Identifying and Addressing the Issue

In some cases, decay can occur underneath a dental crown. This may happen if the crown fits incorrectly or if pre-existing deterioration needs to be adequately addressed before placing the crown. Regular dental check-ups can help detect any signs of decay under the crown, enabling early intervention and preventing further damage.

  1. Bad Fitting Crown Symptoms: Recognising the Signs

A poorly fitting dental crown can cause various uncomfortable symptoms. These may include tooth sensitivity, biting or chewing pain, or gum irritation. If you experience these issues, you must consult your dentist immediately for evaluation and potential adjustments. 

  1. Porcelain: Aesthetic but Prone to Chipping

Porcelain dental crowns are highly popular due to their natural appearance, making them an excellent choice for visible teeth. However, they are more susceptible to chipping or cracking compared to other materials. Avoid biting hard objects or grinding your teeth, and always wear a mouthguard during sports activities to protect your dental crowns.

  1. Wear and Tear: Maintaining Longevity

Even with proper care, dental crowns will eventually experience wear and tear over time. How long can a dental crown last? On average, dental crowns can last between 10 to 15 years, but this can vary depending on the material used and how well you take care of them. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help extend their lifespan.

  1. Gum Recession: Protecting the Tooth-Root Junction

Gum recession can expose the vulnerable area where the dental crown meets the tooth root, leading to discomfort and potential decay. To prevent this, maintain good oral hygiene practices, and consider using a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid aggressive brushing that may contribute to gum recession.

  1. Allergic Reactions: Addressing Material Sensitivities

In rare cases, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the materials used in dental crowns, such as metal alloys. If you suspect an allergy, consult your dentist for alternative crown materials, like zirconia crowns or all-ceramic options.

  1. Discolouration: Maintaining a Bright Smile

Over time, dental crowns can become discoloured, especially if you consume staining foods or beverages. To maintain a bright smile, limit coffee, tea, or red wine consumption, and practice regular oral hygiene habits, including brushing and flossing.

  1. Chipped or Fractured Crowns: Seeking Immediate Attention

Accidents can happen, and dental crowns are not exempt from chipping or fracturing. If this occurs, seeking immediate dental care is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the crown is repaired or replaced promptly.

  1. Loose Crowns: Taking Swift Action

A loose dental crown can lead to discomfort and may expose the underlying tooth to bacteria and decay. If your crown feels loose or dislodged, contact your dentist immediately to prevent any potential complications.

Dental crowns are an excellent solution to restore and protect damaged teeth, but they can encounter various problems over time. Proper dental care, regular check-ups, and promptly addressing issues can significantly extend dental crowns’ lifespan. For those considering dental crowns in Sydney, Cosmic Smile Dental offers a plethora of choices. 

If any problems arise with dental crowns, seeking immediate professional attention is vital to ensure the long-term health and function of the affected tooth.

Remember to consult your dentist for personalised advice and recommendations tailored to your unique dental needs and situation. Your dental professional will guide you on the best course to maintain your dental crowns and preserve your beautiful smile for years.