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Do you want strong, healthy, straight teeth? Do you hate the thought of having metal brackets or wires shining through your smile? You can have a beautiful smile without those unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces. Cosmic Smile Dental has the answer for you, with Invisalign invisible braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign orthodontic therapy is a procedure that uses invisible plastic aligners to straighten and improve the appearance of your teeth. You can enjoy all the benefits of braces without having to sacrifice your smile or what you can eat. They are removable, replaceable, comfortable and custom made to fit your teeth. Adults love Invisalign, because they can improve their crowded, crooked smile without anyone even noticing their braces. They are almost completely invisible during smiling, talking or laughing.

Invisalign in Sydney
Got questions? Ask Dr. Pang

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign uses a simple step-by-step process:

Consultation: Your first meeting with Dr. Pang will involve a discussion about whether Invisalign is the appropriate orthodontic option for your smile. A treatment plan specific to your needs will be outlined. Once you have agreed on Invisalign, impressions of your teeth will be taken to create the perfect set of Invisalign orthodontic aligners.

Treatment: Dr. Pang will then send your treatment plan to Invisalign laboratories, where they will convert Dr. Pang’s instructions into precise aligners using advanced 3-D technology. These aligners are part of a series that gradually moves your teeth into the desired position until the final results are achieved.

Custom Made Aligners: Each set of aligners is worn for up to 14 days before advancing to the next set in the treatment. The aligners must be worn at allInvisalign times, except when you are eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth. Depending on your teeth, the entire treatment plan could take anywhere from 9-18 months total.

Follow-up Appointments: You will see Dr. Pang approximately every six weeks to document your progress and make sure that your treatment plan is on track. These appointments will ensure that the aligners are working properly and give you a chance to pick up the next sets of aligners in your treatment.

Invisalign invisible braces

Is Invisalign Right For Me?

Aside from improving your smile and making you more confident, Invisalign will significantly enhance your oral health and is suitable for patients with the following issues:

Book us in today!

Book a complementary Invisalign consultation appointment with Dr. Pang, one of Sydney’s premier cosmetic dentists’ experienced and specially trained in Invisalign technology to determine if Invisalign braces are right for you.

Call Dr. Pang today to see if invisalign is right for you.

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